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Medical e-learning platform

Healthcare / Austria 2021–ongoing

MedYouCate engaged Syndicode’s full-cycle development services to create an advanced learning platform tailored for healthcare professionals and students.


  • Custom Software Development
  • IT Consulting
  • UI/UX Design


  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Javascript
  • PHP
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • NextJs
  • Heroku
  • Amazon S3

Partner agency


Conception, Strategy, Design

About the client

The client is an Austrian HealthTech startup led by Matthias Reichl, a digital strategist and innovator. 

MedYouCate is part of Mr. Reichl and his team’s commitment to ensuring that every customer segment has its needs met in the most user-friendly manner, utilizing effective technologies and design methods.

About the product

The healthcare-specific portal is the first of its kind in the European market. Operating on a subscription basis, the website merges a learning management system, a streaming service, and a marketplace. 

It streamlines medical training with certified surgery courses, simplifying learning and enhancing quality. MedYouCate also fosters knowledge exchange and networking among healthcare professionals.

View website


Solution delivered

Syndicode developed an MVP with user roles, admin tools, course creation, and a stylish design. This allowed MedYouCate to assess market readiness, iteratively adding features to tailor the solution to the business needs. The product delivers excellent performance and user experience despite offering core functionality.

Challenges overcome

Developing a unique eLearning solution without market precedents was the main challenge. Our team addressed this by conducting extensive market research and selecting an efficient tech stack, ensuring the platform remains high-performing, flexible, and adaptable as it grows.

Business problem solved

The client envisioned an eLearning platform that offers high-quality content and fair author compensation. Syndicode brought this vision to life by creating a platform that enables efficient medical training, knowledge exchange, and strategic growth in HealthTech.

Client’s challenges

Unique eLearning solution from scratch

The concept of the healthcare-specific portal was unique in the European market when development began. This uniqueness presented risks in terms of selecting the optimal tech stack and prioritizing features, as there were no relevant examples of best practices.

Hence, the project needed an experienced team to reduce trial and error, aiming to find an optimal solution quickly with minimal resources.

Timeless UI/UX

MedYouCate is a strategic project designed to adapt to evolving trends and customer needs. One of its main goals is to provide an easy and intuitive user experience. This required a thoughtful design that could smoothly incorporate new features and adjust to emerging trends and technologies with minimal effort.

Our solutions

Optimal technical decision

To reduce the risks linked to introducing a novel solution without prior market examples, we decided to create a minimum viable product (MVP). This allowed us to assess market readiness with minimal resources invested. 

The core functionality implemented in the first release of the platform included:

  • User role differentiation system;
  • Administrator panel;
  • Content creator tools for easy course development;
  • Rating system for course reviews;
  • E-signature creation tool;
  • Full-text search capability;
  • Email notifications verification expiry.

Minimalistic design system

Following the design concept provided by the client, our designer created a design system. It ensured visual consistency, helped prevent performance issues linked to the excessive use of web fonts, and facilitated documentation development and communication between teams. 

The limited use of elements allowed us to apply the principles of atomic design and quickly adapt the website’s appearance to many screens.

This decision alleviated the pressure on designers and front-end developers and decreased the design stage timeline. Meanwhile, the MedYouCate platform obtained a sleek minimalist look that eliminated distractions and directed the user’s attention to the content.

Technical setup

The project prioritized fast delivery and great flexibility in terms of incorporating changes in requirements. Scalability was another big concern. To accommodate all these, we chose the following technologies.

Ruby on Rails provides the necessary flexibility and customization. Besides, Syndicode specializes in RoR development, and most of our projects are built with it.

React enhances dynamic user interfaces, providing seamless and interactive experiences across a variety of platforms and devices.

Heroku streamlines deployment and scalability, ensuring the e-learning platform can handle increased user interactions.

Amazon S3 offers reliable storage and quick retrieval of multimedia content, supporting multimedia-rich content.


MedYouCate has gained notable recognition since it was first launched. Recently, it was honored with the prestigious German Brand Award 2023 in the Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation—Brand Communication—Web & Mobile category.

Matthias Reichl, the company’s CEO, shared that MedYouCate is steadily growing and aims to have over 2 million surgeons using and creating content on its platform by 2028.

We are committed to consistently enhancing MedYouCate by adding new features and functionality, ensuring an outstanding learning experience. Keep an eye out for upcoming updates!


Syndicode has delivered the solution on time, and they’ve been excellent at resolving bugs that arise. The team demonstrates the ability to think outside the box and provide recommendations to further elevate the solution. Their open-minded approach and receptiveness to feedback stand out.

Matthias Reichl Chief Technical Officer
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