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Ruby on Rails Development Company

The extensive Ruby on Rails ecosystem allows us to provide you with cutting-edge technological solutions of any complexity. With our Ruby on Rails development services, you can launch digital products fast and get new opportunities for business expansion.

Ruby on Rails development services

Being an established Ruby on Rails development company, we use this framework to its fullest potential to help you solve diverse business needs. With our robust web solutions, you can increase the credibility of your business, improve your online presence, and drive sales.

Featured Ruby on Rails projects

Since 2014, we have delivered 60+ Ruby on Rails software development projects for different industries and business types. Both startups and established businesses can derive multiple benefits from our e-commerce mobile and web apps, SaaS tools, two-sided products, and service marketplaces.

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Ruby on Rails software development process

Customers can count on a full range of RoR web development by Syndicode. We provide them with the required assistance from business idea validation to after-launch support and maintenance.

  • Discovery

    In our RoR development company, the discovery phase is a starting point for a new software project. It implies collecting and analyzing the information about the future product. The aim is to define its target audience, goals, scope, and main requirements. We ask customers to tell us about the issues they want to solve and create a list of desirable functionality. The more information we get at this stage, the easier it is for our software development team to define the project complexity correctly and provide customers with more accurate time and cost estimates.

    • Product vision
    • Project roadmap
    • Backlog
    • Design prototype
    • User flow
    • Project architecture
    • Accurate estimates
    • Team composition
  • Design

    When our UX/UI design team joins the project, they analyze the requirements we have gotten. They rely on this data to create information infrastructure. After that, they build wireframes, which are static, low-fidelity representations of your product. They serve as the skeletal framework that both designers and software developers should follow. Over time, these wireframes are transformed into interactive prototypes. They offer a more detailed look at the visual attributes of your design and include the first user interaction.

    • Design estimates
    • UX Flow
    • Mockups
    • User Stories
    • UI design
    • Сustom themes and icons
  • Development sprints

    The software development process in our RoR development company is based on the principles of the Agile methodology. This approach brings you multiple benefits such as risk mitigation, the highest product quality, better communication, early and predictable delivery, and better control over the project. We divide the Ruby on Rails application development process into short sprints. Each sprint starts with planning and task prioritization. Then, our development team starts building the functionality, which is further tested by our quality assurance engineers. If they do not find any bugs, the functionality is released. After completing a sprint, our development team proceeds to the next one.

    • Plan
    • Design
    • Develop
    • Test
    • Demo
    • Launch
  • Release

    The Ruby on Rails software development process ends with the product release. After manual and automated tests performed by our QA engineers did not show any bugs or glitches and proven that the whole system works as it should, our development team deploys the finalized application to production. From then onward, the digital product becomes available for end-users. After that, our specialists create the release notes, which are technical documentation where the key changes (both functional and non-functional) are specified.

  • Support

    At Syndicode, we aim at establishing long-term relationships with our customers. Meaning our work does not end with the product launch. We will help you stay relevant by improving your products with new features and fixing bugs reported by end-users. Our custom web development company provides after-launch support in two different ways. We can either offer you a certain amount of hours for a specific monthly fee or ask you to create a backlog of tasks for our development team. The most cost-effective way is to collect tasks that will last at least eighty working hours and give them to our team.

Want to launch a web solution fast?

Our expert development team will build a custom ruby on rails solution for you in no time.

Let’s talk

Why do we love Rails?

Syndicode by the numbers

  • 2014 Year of foundation
  • $400M+ Investments raised by clients
  • 140+ Successfully delivered projects
  • 58 In-house engineers

Our engagement

  • Time & material

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    This engagement model will suit companies that consider the dynamic nature of the software development process. Evolving requirements, frequent upgrades, and probable risks are included in the completed software development project price. It means that instead of taking an educated guess, customers will pay for the actual amount of time the Ruby on Rails software development team spent working on the project.

  • Dedicated development team

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    If you want to bring the software development project under your full control, you will benefit from the custom Ruby on Rails development services provided by our dedicated team. You will be able to prioritize tasks for the software developers, UX/UI designers, and quality assurance engineers and monitor their progress. This way, you will save on infrastructure and human resources and get highly skilled professionals who will engage fully in their project.

Major expertise
in Ruby on Rails development

Our Ruby on Rails development service enables businesses to position themselves in the market and increase their profitability with scalable, robust, and secure web solutions.

  • Online marketplaces Arrow right

    We build multi-vendor product and service marketplaces to help users find a required item or book a service in one click and allow businesses to promote their offerings and drive sales.

  • Education Arrow right

    We deliver classroom management software, student information systems, and online education portals to make the education process convenient for both teachers and students.

  • Logistics Arrow right

    Our web solutions for logistics have extensive transporting, warehousing, and inventory functionality that simplify the supply chain management process.

  • E-commerce Arrow right

    We create robust, secure, and high-performing web solutions for the e-commerce domain to allow users to buy and sell goods online quickly and safely.

  • Entertainment Arrow right

    Our Ruby on Rails software development company enables fashion brands to create their unique visual style, increase online visibility, and gain more customers by offering eye-catching web products.

  • Fashion Arrow right

    Our Ruby on Rails software development company enables fashion brands to create their unique visual style, increase online visibility, and gain more customers by offering eye-catching web products.

  • Healthcare Arrow right

    Healthcare organizations will benefit from our Ruby on Rails development services in terms of improved quality of patient care and simplified clinical and administrative task management.

  • Rental Arrow right

    We create robust web solutions to help users make reservations fast and enable rental businesses to manage bookings in the most convenient way.

Ruby on Rails app development tech stack

  • Front-end

    • JS
    • React
    • Angular
    • Vue
    • HTML
    • CSS
  • Databases

    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • Redis
    • Elasticsearch
  • Infrastructure

    • AWS
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Heroku
    • Docker

We build custom RoR applications for

Providing customers with Ruby on Rails development services, we consider the specific needs and requirements of different types of business, be it a large company, a small or medium business, or a startup.

  • Large businesses Arrow right

    Large businesses can count on our assistance in building complex web systems that will help them streamline the routine processes and grow and manage their digital success. Our Ruby on Rails development service includes choosing the technology stack and the product functionality so the product we deliver can meet multiple requirements of customers, suppliers, partners, and investors. Also, we use built-in Ruby on Rails mechanisms to avoid security breaches and protect the solution against common threats and vulnerabilities.

  • Small & medium businesses Arrow right

    We build complex web systems for small and medium-sized businesses to automate their tedious routine processes and allow them to focus on growth, strategy execution, and other important tasks. Our company adheres to the principles of scalable web architecture design. In simple words, we keep in mind future increases in workload and the number of concurrent users. It means we can scale solutions we deliver for small and medium-sized businesses to the enterprise level.

  • Startups Arrow right

    We use ready-made solutions provided by the Ruby on Rails framework to help aspiring entrepreneurs reduce web development costs and enter the market fast with a game-changing digital product. Using our Ruby on Rails development services, startups can test the feasibility of their venture and find out whether it is worth investing in or it is better to shift to an entirely new strategy. The established practices we apply to complex projects will bring startups added value for their business.

Looking for a reliable Ruby on Rails development company?

We are here to help.

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Reasons to outsource
RoR application development

Over recent years, organizations have preferred outsourcing their web development projects. The reasons below show what makes a partnership with a reliable company offering Ruby on Rails development service such a great option.

  • Cost-effectiveness

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    By entrusting your digital product to an experienced offshore software development agency, you no longer have to maintain your in-house development team. This way, you will reduce ongoing operation and labor expenses. They include costs of hiring and training your employees, taxes, hardware, software licensing, taxes, salaries, and compensation.

  • Reduced risks

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    The development of a new digital product is associated with certain risks. Here we should mention going over budget, missing key deadlines, risk of losing opportunities, etc. Based on their expertise and vast industry knowledge, the Ruby on Rails web development company you will partner with will assume and manage these risks for you and find the best ways to mitigate them.

  • Vast experience

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    Any reliable Ruby on Rails development agency hires highly skilled specialists in different fields, be it UX/UI design, business analysis, or quality assurance. The developers there have profound technical skills and vast coding experience. The joint efforts of a qualified team will help you get a unique solution tailored to your specific business needs.

People work
with people

  • Dmytro
    Dmytro CEO
  • Tetiana
    Tetiana Lead HR
  • Oleksandr
    Oleksandr Software Engineer
  • Oleksandr
    Oleksandr Software Engineer

Frequently asked questions

  • Why are RoR development services so popular for MVP? Arrow right

    The popularity of RoR for building minimum viable products can be explained by reduced development time and, consequently, cost. The Ruby on Rails framework allows aspiring entrepreneurs to release a minimum viable product to test the feasibility of their business idea and get the required feedback within a very short time. The quick launch becomes possible due to the simplicity and readability of the Ruby programming language, its object-oriented nature, modular design, and a large number of ready-made solutions. They free software developers from the necessity to build new functionality from scratch. Given that, the development team requires less time to complete the project. As a result, customers have to pay less for their Ruby on Rails development service.

  • How much does Ruby on Rails app development cost? Arrow right

    There is no unified answer to this question. The total cost of a completed development project varies depending on the functionality you want to implement and the rates of a Ruby on Rails development company that will build a digital project for you. To be more specific, the more complex features you want to add and the more time developers will need to implement them. As for hourly rates, they depend on the geographic location of the RoR development company. Thus, developers from the US and Western Europe set higher rates than IT companies from Eastern Europe.

  • How to choose the right Ruby on Rails Company? Arrow right

    There are several things to consider when you choose a company offering Ruby on Rails development services. The first one is expertise. Visit the website of the company you are going to partner with. Check the portfolio of projects they have delivered. They should be accessible, eye-catching, optimized for search engines, and secure. The second thing is relevant experience. It would not hurt to find out whether they have developed solutions similar to the software you want to build. Also, we recommend paying attention to so-called social proofs. These are reviews and testimonials of satisfied customers. Finally, ask about the project methodology the company adopts, the communication process established there, and the frequency of project updates.

  • Why is Ruby on Rails still our choice in 2022? Arrow right

    Reduced development time serves as one of the key reasons why Ruby on Rails will still be popular in 2022. It is achieved by virtue of clear and elegant syntaxis of the programming language Ruby. By writing less code, developers can complete more tasks in less time. Consequently, a Ruby on Rails development company can deliver the project to customers much faster. For businesses, reduced development time means less price for a delivered digital product.