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Dedicated Software Development Team

Get your perfect dedicated team whenever you need more hands or extra skills. A dedicated software development team can work autonomously or alongside your in-house staff, giving you the flexibility of outsourcing combined with your complete control over the working process.

Advantages of Dedicated Development Teams

  • High-speed development

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    An experienced, dedicated development team works in perfect synchronization and communicates effectively. Also, a dedicated team is 100% focused on one project, taking on no other tasks. All this substantially speeds up the development process.

  • The agility of your team

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    You only hire the experts currently needed for the project. As soon as the scope of work expands, you can scale up your development team without any associated overheads. Also, if your needs change, you can replace an employee or hire them part-time.

  • Effective delegation

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    You assign a task and leave your dedicated team to work so you can give your full attention to vital business processes. All administrative work like tools, office, vacation management, an employee calling in sick, and so on, is our dedicated development company.

  • Cost efficiency

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    You only pay for the dedicated team services and bear no extra expenses on hiring, taxes, insurance, and such. Since the expenses are only related to the number of team members, you can easily predict future costs and efficiently allocate your company’s budget.

Composition of our Dedicated Development Teams

There isn’t one right team set–as a ​​dedicated development company, we help you to create a custom team for your tasks. After discussing your needs, goals, and budget, we pick experts with fitting skills and backgrounds.

  • Frontend developer

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    Creates the visible part of a website or a mobile app that is uniform across devices. Ensures a user can perform specific activities by interacting with software elements.

  • Backend developer

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    Is responsible for the website’s or app’s architecture, security, and data management. Ensures the software functions as required in different usage scenarios.

  • Business analyst

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    Gathers information to assemble the right team, offers the best solutions for your business, defines priorities for development, and analyzes the impact of work made.

  • QA engineer

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    Offers ideas for the dedicated software development processes optimization and ensures the end product quality. Also assesses risks, plans tests, and analyzes test results.

  • UX/UI Designer

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    Understands the user’s behavior and maximizes UX by aligning the product’s design with the user’s expectations. Ensures the product is usable, enjoyable, and accessible.

  • Project manager

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    Is responsible for the dedicated development team’s performance. Organizes, and monitors the development process to ensure the project is on time, budget, and within scope.

Need dedicated hands to complete your project?

Let us pick the best team to fit your needs

Let’s talk

Benefits of our dedicated software development teams

  • Expertise

    The majority of dedicated software developers at Syndicode are of senior level. Their skillset lets them get to your tasks straight away without any additional training, saving your time and money.

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  • Effective communication

    You maintain full control over the working process and request meetings as often as you need. You can also talk to each employee directly to keep closer tabs on the project progress.

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  • Technologies

    Each dedicated software developer at Syndicode works with all the major technologies currently in the market. You are free to choose the tech stack that best suits your needs.

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  • Reliability

    You can interview and pick specialists from a selected pool for your dedicated software development team. This way, you ensure their values align with yours, and they will remain loyal until the project ends.

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  • Adaptability and Focus

    When you hire a dedicated development team, it picks up your working style. You can set and adjust priorities on the go and also reconfigure the team as your needs change. Close collaboration lets you plan long-term and solve your business tasks effectively.

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  • Long-term engagement

    The team stays with you for the entire time estimated to complete the project. After the term expires, you can renew the partnership and continue to receive dedicated development team services.

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Syndicode by the numbers

  • 100+ projects delivered
  • 2014 Year of foundation
  • $400M+ Investments raised by clients
  • 80+ IT specialists on board

Top of the talent pool at Syndicode

With Syndicode, you get top-notch ​​dedicated software developers. We carefully select candidates, testing them for technical and communication skills, including English proficiency. We emphasize soft skills as a ​​dedicated software development team member should easily fit in your in-house team to work alongside and complement their knowledge.

Working with our company, you get access to the 3% of the best-selected experts in the IT industry. We use the competency matrix and rigorous candidate testing to gather highly professional teams ready for technological challenges. Thanks to our dedicated development team services, our clients managed to:

  1. Speed up the development process–one dedicated software developer gives a boost of 20%
  2. Save up to 60% of the budget, compared to the cost of in-house team expansion
  3. Improve the effectiveness of internal business processes by more than 300%
  4. Reduce red tape and minimize legal liabilities related to employee termination

Our engagement models

  • Dedicated Team Model

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    The dedicated software development team model works as an extension to your core technical team, allowing you to speed up the development process or bring a specialized experience to the table. For the time of the project, the team works exclusively on your tasks, taking no other work. Hiring a dedicated team from Syndicode, you are presented with a selected pool of professionals that fit your project requirements. You can hand-pick any number of employees to hire. They will adjust to your working environment and report to your project manager or yourself directly.

  • Time & Material model

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    This model lays full responsibility for the development process and the outcome on Syndicode as your software development partner. We build an end-to-end solution, starting with business analysis, creating specifications, designing and developing the product, ending with the post-release maintenance and support. We follow agile practices, working in sprints with predefined deliverables at the end of each. To keep tabs on the process, you will get regular reports and can timely step in with changes or suggestions. At the same time, you don’t have to think about employee management and can fully focus on your business’s vital processes.

Need dedicated hands to complete your project?

Let us pick the best team to fit your needs

Let’s talk

Reasons to Hire a Dedicated Development Team

Our Tech Stack

  • Back-end

    • Ruby
    • Node.js
    • Python
    • PHP
    • C#
  • Front-end

    • JavaScript
    • React
    • Angular
    • Vue.js
    • TailwindCSS
  • Mobile

    • Swift
    • Objective-C
    • Kotlin
    • Java
    • Flutter
  • Databases

    • Postgresql
    • ElasticSearch
    • MongoDB
    • MySQL
    • Redis
  • Infrastructure

    • Docker
    • Heroku
    • AWS
    • GCP
    • Azure
    • DigitalOcean

Meet our team

  • Dmytro
    Dmytro CEO
  • Tetiana
    Tetiana Lead HR
  • Oleksandr
    Oleksandr Software Engineer
  • Oleksandr
    Oleksandr Software Engineer

Frequently asked questions

  • What is a dedicated development team? Arrow right

    A dedicated software development team is a cooperation model where clients expand their in-house staff by adding outsourced specialists. As the name implies, the team stays dedicated to the client’s software project, working full-time and taking no other tasks. Using dedicated development team services, you can speed up the process of web development and get the lacking expertise. What’s more, you avoid added expenses that come with in-house hiring since the dedicated development company takes care of employee sourcing, retention, IT infrastructure, office space, HR support, and employee perks. Additionally, hiring an offshore dedicated development company keeps the red tape to a minimum. All you have to do is sign a contract specifying the cooperation timeframe. You can size your team up and down and replace employees. Finally, a non-disclosure agreement keeps your business data safe.

  • Why should smart entrepreneurs hire a dedicated development team? Arrow right

    Hiring dedicated developers for a software project is a smart choice since you can minimize your overall development costs without giving up access to professionals, advanced technologies, flexibility, short time to market, and more. Assigning their business operations to remote workers, entrepreneurs can get the same quality as with an in-house team, but for a lower price. Thus, a dedicated development team in Eastern Europe will develop a software piece costing 3 times less than one built by the same team in the USA and 1.5 times less than one made in Western Europe.

  • How is the dedicated development team managed? Arrow right

    A dedicated software team for companies usually comes with a project manager who plans and manages the development process and reports to the client. With a vendor’s project manager, you don’t have to supervise each team member individually and can focus on your business while keeping an eye on the general workflow direction. Alternatively, you can assign your own project manager who should establish communication amongst the team, choose KPIs for performance evaluation, and create bridges between the dedicated software development team and your in-house employees. And, of course, you can manage your dedicated team on your own. In this case, you should ensure transparent communication and always be available for the developers’ questions. Sometimes engineers can extend and even critique the assigned requirement, and you should take time to explain why their solution could not live up to your standards.

  • How much does it cost to hire a dedicated team? Arrow right

    The cost of hiring a dedicated software development team depends on the team composition, members’ expertise, and the dedicated development company’s location. For reference, let’s take a team of four units consisting of a project manager working part-time, a business analyst (part-time), a designer (part-time), two middle-level developers (full-time), and a QA specialist (part-time). Such a team outsourced from a US company would cost $560 per hour on average. A team from Western Europe charges around $300 per hour of work. And the cost of a company in Eastern Europe averages $180 per hour. At that, developers from Eastern Europe are considered among the top skilled in various rankings.